Beacons Against Humanity presents

Retail Rancho

Try Retail Rancho

What does retail need

Retail needs to attract more and more people and to achieve this we need to make the process of retailing more user centric and interactive.
Retail Rancho uses Beaconstac TM beacons as a hardware for its working. Using beaconstac Android SDK it provides the user a convenient and interactive experience which helps to strengthen the bond between users and the retail.

Know more about Beaconstac with their documentation.

Why does retail need

Skeleton is an amazingly easy place to start with responsive development. If you want to learn more, just visit the documentation!

View Skeleton Docs

Application Features

Application has some popular features such as nearby services/offers notifications with unique blend of Real time notifications from retail owners and "Smart To-Do list" which makes user never forget their needs.

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